For each element, $A_{i}$, how does the characteristic of the array change if we move $A_{i}$ to position $j$?
It changes $A_{i}(j-i)+SUM[i]-SUM[j]$!
Enumerate $i$ and $j$, we get an $O(N^{2})$ solution.
How to speed up?
Treat $j$ as coordinate $x$.
Then we can treat $SUM[j]$ as a function $f(x)$, $A_{i}*j+SUM[i]-A_{i}*i$ as a line $ax+b$ ($a=A_{i},b=SUM[i]-A_{i}*i$)
What we should find is $\max\{(ax+b)-f(x)\}$, where $f(x)$ is a fixed function, $ax+b$ is a line depend on which $A_{i}$ we choose.
Now we have a new way to enumerate: $x$
Enumerate $x$, and find the line whose $ax+b$ is maximum.
Actually, we can use $deque$ to maintain the $convex\ hull$ of these lines.
For each $x$, we just find the corresponding point on the $convex\ hull$, $(x,y)$, $y$ is what we want to get (maximum $ax+b$).
On this picture, black straight lines are $ax+b$ we want to pick to form the $convex\ hull$, the green one.
How to build the $convex\ null$?
Well, this is a long story... Learn it!
(keywords: $monotone\ queue$,$slope\ optimization$)
(hints: sort the lines by their slopes, $a$)
By enumerating $x$ in increasing order, we can reach linear time complexity with the help of monotonicity of $x$, get the maximum $ax+b$ for every $x$.
Update maximum $ax+b-SUM[x]$, this is how much we can increase the characteristic of the array.
Initial characteristic of the array is $\sum_{i=1}^{N}A_{i}*i$
Time complexity:$O(N\log N)$ (remember that $sorting$ was required)
p.s. Actually, we can avoid $sorting$ to reach $O(N)$, that is, only allow element move toward one direction, then these $ax+b$ become rays (instead of lines), enumerate $x$ in that directions, and dynamic maintain the $convex\ hull$. Please remenber that it's required to do the same thing on another direction.
p.s. For $O(N)$ implementation, you can see this.
#include<cstdio> #include<cassert> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; void getmax(LL &a,const LL &b){if(b>a)a=b;} struct Deq { int DATA[200000],L,R; void Clear(){L=0,R=-1;} void PushBack(const int v){DATA[++R]=v;} void PopBack(){R--;} void PopFront(){L++;} int Front(const int i)const{return DATA[L+i];} int Back(const int i)const{return DATA[R-i];} int Size()const{return R-L+1;} }DEQ; int N; LL A[200001],SUM[200001]; LL GetA(const int i){return A[i];} LL GetB(const int i){return SUM[i]-A[i]*i;} double GetX(const int i1,const int i2){return (double)(GetB(i1)-GetB(i2))/(GetA(i2)-GetA(i1));} bool NeedPopBack(const int i) { if(DEQ.Size()==0)return false; if(GetA(i)==GetA(DEQ.Back(0)))return GetB(i)>=GetB(DEQ.Back(0)); if(DEQ.Size()==1)return false; return GetX(DEQ.Back(0),i)<=GetX(DEQ.Back(1),DEQ.Back(0)); } void BuildConvexHull() { vector<int>order; for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)order.push_back(i); sort(order.begin(),order.end(),[](const int a,const int b)->bool{return A[a]<A[b];}); DEQ.Clear(); for(const int i:order) { while(NeedPopBack(i))DEQ.PopBack(); DEQ.PushBack(i); } } LL Solve() { LL change=0LL; for(int i=0;i<=N;i++) { while(DEQ.Size()>=2&&GetX(DEQ.Front(0),DEQ.Front(1))<=i)DEQ.PopFront(); // printf("i=%d,DEQ.Front()=%d,a=%I64d,b=%I64d\n",i,DEQ.Front(0),GetA(DEQ.Front(0)),GetB(DEQ.Front(0))); getmax(change,GetA(DEQ.Front(0))*i+GetB(DEQ.Front(0))-SUM[i]); } LL initial_cost=0LL; for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)initial_cost+=A[i]*i; // printf("initial_cost=%I64d,change=%I64d\n",initial_cost,change); return initial_cost+change; } int main() { // freopen("in.txt","r",stdin); while(scanf("%d",&N)==1) { SUM[0]=0LL; for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)scanf("%I64d",&A[i]),SUM[i]=SUM[i-1]+A[i]; BuildConvexHull(); printf("%I64d\n",Solve()); } return 0; }